Tuesday, July 26, 2011


On August 1st I am starting the BodybyVi 90 day weight loss challenge. I first heard about this system from one of my friends from high school. I have watched her post about this "amazing shake" for the past three months and didn't really pay any attention. Her pictures show her shrinking and she raves about how wonderful they are constantly. A few weeks ago I had another friend jump on the Visalus bandwagon. In two weeks she lost 7 lbs and is looking amazing. I have chosen the Shape Kit which has me replacing 2 meals a day with the Vi shakes. For the third meal you can choose whatever you like. There are literally hundreds of ways to customize the shake according to your likes and cravings. Some of the recipes include Butterfinger, birthday cake, chocolate cheesecake, strawberry banana and turtle cheesecake. (Can you tell I like sweets??)

My goals for the 90 days:
- Lose 20lbs
- Lose 2 pants sizes
- Work out at least 3 times a week
- Complete The Trot 8 mile race on Thanksgiving Day with a smile on my face and not feeling like I am going to die at the end! :)

My plan:
- Visalus shake for breakfast (most are under 300 calories)
- Mid-morning snack (fruit, celery and peanut butter, string cheese etc)
- Visalus shake for lunch (this will work great for school because I am always busy!)
- Mid-afternoon snack (something comparable to morning snack)
- Dinner will be whatever I am feeling at the time.

My main downfall are sweets and with some of the shake options I don't anticipate having nightly sweet cravings when I am drinking Butterfinger and triple chocolate shakes as my meals

Another thing I like is there is no calorie counting like other diets. There is flexibility to tailor the diet to your needs.

I can't wait to share my progress on here. My hope for this blog is to keep me motivated and hopefully inspire a few people get healthy as well!

http://youtu.be/U091N-ZrXYk Check out this video that explains the BodybyVi challenge. This girl is adorable!

If you would like more information feel free to ask or check out my website at emilykyle.bodybyvi.com

Here's to health!

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